The beginning of the wilderness


The beginning of the wilderness


Untouched nature

One of our four national rivers

River Laisälven

One of Sweden's most beautiful river valleys with a crystal clear river where the cleanliness of the sandy beaches and the floral splendor of the beach meadows amaze the visitor. A river valley with lively rapids, mirror-like shallow seals with sandy bottoms interspersed with deep hollows in the rapids. There are char and trout everywhere. No other fish. And best of all, they are wild fish that have never been stocked.

Imagine sitting by the fire in the bright summer night and enjoying hot fried trout, while the mosquitoes invite you to dance. Let your eyes follow the river's winding serpentines up to the nearby mountains. To experience the moose's majestic walk down to the water to drink.

When you then go into the cottage, full and satisfied, to sleep away a few precious hours before the birdsong begins, you have refreshed your soul to cope with the winter that is coming this year as well.

Yraft delta

When the miners came to Adolfström in the late 1770s, they discovered that the Yraft delta had plenty of hay that could be harvested for the cattle. Almost continuously from those days, hay has been collected and even today parts of the delta are mowed to preserve the old haymaking landscape where some 50 hay barns remain.

It is a remarkable landscape of sandy beaches, hay meadows, sedge marshes and willow thickets. Moose have plenty of food on the beach meadows and hiding places in the reeds where they can retreat during the day. The beach reefs provide food for swimming birds and waders. In the lake, loons hunt for small fish to feed their hungry young.

In spring, crabgrass blooms along the beaches and later in the summer, King Charles' sceptre. In the meadows, you can find the tiny fern lock fern and herbs such as mountain gentian, meadow rattle and polar grass. Buttercups and wolfsbane flower densely among the willow bushes.

High tide 

In mid-May, the meltwater begins to make its way down to the river from the adjacent mountains. After a few days, the waters rise and the ice breaks away from the banks, flows with the river, is crushed in the rapids and suddenly the river has thrown off its shackle and is completely free. Powerfully it swells more and more. With high chest tones, the water rushes through the rapids, spreading far up the banks. It reaches the height of the suspension bridges, where the highest river waves greedily lick the walkway, perhaps occasionally knocking the bridge into the rapids.

Now come all the migrants, swimmers, waders and all the other small birds that no one knows the name of. And they are all in such a hurry to find their partners, build their nests, lay their eggs and eat from time to time. But what does it matter when there is no night to sleep.

angelica bark

" let the last river that roars in our nature,

still roar between mountains and spruce and pine ... "

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